Why TGC?

Ten Good Reasons to Make Trinity Gospel Church your church!

  1. We are a Bible-believing church
    We take the Bible as our rule of faith and life. It is true in every word. Jesus said that every letter was true. It is inspired of God and trustworthy when it speaks of salvation, morality, history, and science. We reject Theological Liberalism on the basis of scripture. The Bible is true taken in a normal sense.
  2. We are a Bible preaching church
    The messages on Sunday are Bible messages, not just interesting stories. We emphasize expository Bible teaching. We study verse by verse  through books of the Bible or take important topics and bring the light of the Bible to bear on them. Our Sunday School classes teach the Bible. We learn Bible memory verses.
  3. We are a friendly church
    You will find a church home here. We operate on trust and love to build up each believer in the Lord. We try to reflect the love of Christ and to minister the encouragement and comfort of the Holy Spirit.
  4. We are a praying church
    You will find prayer for your needs. We pray in the services. We have a special prayer meeting on Wednesday. We believe in prayer and bring the needs of our fellow believers before the throne of grace where we are invited to come and where God hears our prayers and answers them.
  5. We are an evangelistic church
    The Lord has commissioned us to reach the lost and teach them the way of salvation by grace through faith. We have outreach through visitation, Bible studies, literature distribution, children’s ministries, and community outreach events. Each member is encouraged to use  his or her gifts to point others to Christ.
  6. We minister to the whole family
    Each person is important to us. That is why we have a nursery and kids classes in Sunday School every Sunday morning. We also have Youth meeting for teens every Wednesday and Bible studies for adults throughout the week. In addition, we have an addictions program every Friday night for your support for any hang-up or trial you may be facing. There is a place for each member of your family here!
  7. We are not a legalistic church
    Salvation is by grace alone with no works mixed in nor required. Jesus paid our full price for redemption and saves us when we put our faith in Him. Salvation cannot be, and need not be, maintained by works either. We are kept by grace. We are saved unto good works and do them freely and willingly. The Lord changes our hearts.
  8. We are an independent church
    We are not bound by any denominational connections or guidelines. We are free to obey just what the Bible says without any constraint or compulsion. We generally hold to a Baptistic type of doctrine and are willing to answer any questions that you might have.
  9. We emphasize Bible prophecy
    We are looking for Jesus to come back as He said. One third of the Bible verses are prophetic in nature and we do not shy away from a literal interpretation of the second coming, the tribulation, and the millennial kingdom of Christ.
  10. We practice equality of believers
    All Christians are of equal standing in the eyes of God. There is neither Jew nor Gentile, slave nor free. We do not believe in a clergy class. We all, as equals, gather around the Word of God to see what it says to us. Won’t you join with us in following Jesus together?