2019-05-19 Missing the Kingdom

Many assume they will be admitted into the Kingdom, however, scripture is clear that many will miss it! Don’t let your own assumptions of the Kingdom of God cause you to not recognize it. In Luke 13 18-30 Jesus shows His followers that the Kingdom for which they long may not be theirs!

2018-12-09 People In Desperate Need

It doesn’t matter what your position in life is or what means you have. Every person is in need of something. Everyone will come to the place where he must admit, “I cannot do what needs to be done!” In today’s message two people come to that place and both find the help that only Jesus can give!

2018-11-25 Responding to the Word

It’s one thing to accept that the Bible is true, but it’s another thing to live by it in faith!  Jesus asked His disciples “where is your faith?” The challenge to place our faith in the Word is met when we prioritize it in our lives by practicing what it says. Listen to Jesus explain and illustrate this concept in today’s message.